HSE Accident Statistics
HSE statistics have now been released for 2022/23 period. The largest cause of working days lost for this period was due to work-related stress, depression or anxiety at 17.1 million days lost in the UK.
A further 6.6 million days were lost due to work-related musculoskeletal disorders. 82% related to the back and upper limb areas with the worst affected industries being administration and construction, suggesting manual handling and workstations could be the cause.
Occupational lung disease
Self reports by the Labour Force Survey suggest that there have been 19,000 new cases of breathing or lung problems caused or made worse by work each year on average over the last three years.
Workplace injury
60,645 non-fatal work-related injuries were reported to the HSE under RIDDOR during 2022/23, although self-reports from the Labour Force Survey suggest this number should have been 561,000. It remains a legal requirement to report certain categories of accident, ill health or over seven day injuries to the HSE.
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