Mental Health
It is estimated by the World Health Organisation that more than 720,000 people die every year from suicide. That is approximately 2,000 a day, for every suicide, there are also many more people who attempt it or consider it.
This year’s World Suicide Prevention Day is focusing on the theme ‘change the narrative’. Organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention and held on Tuesday 10 September, it is hoped that more awareness can be raised and lives can be saved. With work playing a key role in mental health and wellbeing, the IASP is sharing advice on how companies can play a role in suicide prevention.
Promote mental ill health awareness throughout the organisation.
Provide access to support, including signposting for those at risk.
Welcome those who have been absent with mental ill health back into the workplace. Returning to work can be a source of anxiety, and it can help employees to be properly welcomed back and shown that there is no awkwardness.
If mental ill-health has been triggered by work events, there should be a clear plan to address these and avoid recurrence.
Even if you have no experience of the problem, showing willingness to listen can be a big help.
Our course Understanding Mental Health in the Workplace is a 1 day course for up to 16 people which can be delivered at your premises. This course teaches the importance of mental health and its impacts in the workplace, common mental health conditions along with many other subjects.